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Alcohol and Drugs Policy

Under legislation we, as your employer, have a duty to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety and welfare at work of all our employees and similarly you have a responsibility to yourself and your colleagues. The use of alcohol and drugs may impair the safe and efficient running of the business and/or the health and safety of our employees.

If your performance or attendance at work is affected as a result of alcohol or drugs, or we believe you have been involved in any drug related action/offence, you may be subject to disciplinary action and, dependent on the circumstances, this may lead to your dismissal.


The Company reserves the contractual right to carry out alcohol and drug testing on you during your normal working hours. These tests are random and do not imply suspicion in relation to any individual.

In addition, the Company reserves the right to require you, where you are suspected to be under the influence or a user of drugs and/or alcohol to submit to an appropriately administered and supervised test.

If you are required to submit to a test, you will have the right to be accompanied by a fellow work colleague available at the time of the request.

You retain the right to refuse to be tested, however, you should be aware that your refusal may be regarded as a breach of contract which may lead to disciplinary action and result in your dismissal.

All personal data collected for this purpose will be processed in line with the current Data Protection Act.


The company endorses the principle that it is a matter of personal choice if individuals smoke or not, but the matter of where they smoke is of public concern.

It is the policy of (name of company) that our/all of our workplace(s) are smoke-free and all employees have a right to work in a smoke-free environment. Smoking is prohibited throughout the entire workplace with no exceptions. This includes company vehicles. This policy applies to all employees, consultants, customers or members and visitors.

Exposure to second-hand smoke, also known as passive smoking, increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and other illnesses. Ventilation or separating smokers and non-smokers within the same airspace does not stop potentially dangerous exposure.

The company only allows smoking in the designated smoking area. You may only smoke during authorised breaks. Any litter should be placed in the bins provided and you must wash your hands prior to restarting work after any break. This includes the use of e-cigarettes.

The policy will be reviewed annually or if we think it might no longer be valid, e.g. if circumstances change.

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